Free Pens. Free mugs. Free Buttons. Free Websites? As you walk through the stands everyone wants to give you something free so they can get your attention and your money, plus have you touting their brand all over town! We’ve all heard the phrase, “There’s no such thing as a free lunch!” The basic premise is this, someone always has to pay, so free is never really free!
So what does the bible have to say in the matter:
- Eternal life is something that God gives for free, though He paid dearly with the life of his son. “through one Man’s righteous act the free gift came to all men” Romans 5:18 NKJV
- When Jesus sent out His disciples He gave them this charge, “Freely you have received, freely give.” Matthew 10:8 NKJV
The Bible has a lot to say about cost too:
- Discipleship is costly, says Jesus, and it takes forsaking all to be His disciple “For which of you, intending to build a tower, does not sit down first and count the cost, whether he has enough to finish it…whoever of you does not forsake all that he has cannot be My disciple.” Luke 14:28 NKJV
- There is a cost to entering the kingdom of God that hinders the wealthy. “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.” Mark 10:25 NKJV
So we see in God’s upside down kingdom, human thinking about economics is turned on its head. The giver gives freely, and the receiver receives freely, but must count the cost.
“The best things in life are free!”
Buddy DeSylva and Lew Brown
So, can you get a free website set up for your church? Yes!
However, a lot of free websites don’t work out very well and here’s why.
1. Free website platforms are usually designed for business
Most free website platforms are not designed to fit the needs of churches, because its mostly businesses that use the service. So, trying to highlight your ministry can become like trying to cram a round peg through a square hole! It doesn’t work very well!
Free Church Websites is set up with churches and ministries in mind. We don’t offer services to businesses or NGOs, just churches! You will find our site builder to fit your needs as a church. We know that there aren’t many other options out there, but here you’ve found just what you’re looking for!

Most Free Website Companies Target Businesses NOT Churches!
2. For profit businesses are in the game to make money
Most businesses are built upon one simple principle; If it makes money we do it, if not we stop doing it. So, if a for profit business is offering a free or low-cost website, either you’re not going to get quality or it will fizzle out pretty quickly.
As a non-profit, we only need to bring in enough to pay our overheads. This means we can give quality and continue to deliver in the long run. We’re not in the game to make money, we’re in the game to help you succeed in your internet ministry!
3. Free websites are often not valued
When something costs money, people usually take better care of it. A lot of churches who are looking for a free option have already decided that a website isn’t important enough for the budget. If it’s not important enough for the budget, then it’s likely going to be paid little attention to and become obsolete.
Putting internet marketing and ministry in your budget, even just a small amount per month, will be a catalyst for change. Our paid options will give you access to more features and will ensure that your leadership team puts some effort into internet ministry.
4. Free means ‘You’re on your own kid!’
Free website builders typically provide no direct support. Everything is you! You may be able to find forums or FAQs, but rarely can you ask open ended questions and get the support you need! This can be so frustrating, especially if you are in charge of the project but have little experience with websites.
Free Church Websites provides email support that you can use 24 hours a day. This applies whatever plan you sign up for. Again, we exist to equip the body of Christ to fulfill the great commission.

Is Free Church Websites right for me?
If you are a large, multi-site church this may not be the right service for you. But if you are a house church, country church, inner-city church, church-plant, small church or medium-sized church, you’ve found the perfect match.
Some churches only want a simple one page site to share the churches’ basic information, vision and some pictures. We can set you up with that in a snap, and its totally free. $0 now $0 ongoing! Sometimes, free is the only option. Churches in third-world countries or inner-city neighborhoods can find a beautifully designed site that costs them nothing. Get Started here
The vast majority of churches, however, are looking for more than that. They want a website with multiple pages of information on different ministries, galleries, forms and blogs. Take a look at our paid options and you can see what works for your church. Free is often not the best option, and we know that. That’s why we have created paid options that provide more functionality and scope to your website project.
In conclusion, trying to make a website for your church without paying a penny usually doesn’t work out. Free platforms are designed for businesses, not churches. Free usually doesn’t make money unless ads are involved. Free websites are often not valued by the people who set them up. Free rarely provides adequate support.
So, free might be right for you, but it’s probably not.