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Internet Ministry

Do Free Church Websites Really Work Out?

Free Pens. Free mugs. Free Buttons. Free Websites? As you walk through the stands everyone wants to give you something free so they can get your attention and your money, plus have you touting their brand all over town! We've all heard the phrase, "There's no

Is your church website sharing the gospel?

I don’t know about you, but quote a line from the Battle Hymn of the Republic and my blood pressure rises with excitement! I want to get out of my seat and yell it: He has sounded forth the trumpet that shall never call retreat;

Phone on a Bible

Starting an Effective Internet Ministry

With the average American spending 32 hours per month on the Internet in 2018, it’s obvious that most people are using the Internet in the U.S. Whether it’s to connect with friends, shop, browse or Google something – people are looking to the Internet as