Unlimited Website Users | Free Church Websites - Church Website Builder

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Unlimited Website Users


Get multiple members of your team working on this with unlimited website users

The Church is the body of Christ, not an individual. Your church website is a body effort where you can have people of different gifts working together to make it the best representation of your church it can be! You can sign-up an unlimited website users and assign them different roles to help you run an effective church website.

Add multiple website users

You may have only one person working on your website project and that’s fine. However, many churches will need to have multiple people access and make changes to the website.

A ‘user’ is someone who uses the website from the back end. Free Church Websites makes it easy to sign up users and get them collaborating on your church website.

Here are the roles and what access each role has:

Unlimited Website Users

User Roles Explained

Administrator – This is the role assigned to you when you create a website. In most cases, there is only one, and they are able to access most of the functions of the Free Church Websites backend. Administrators are able to do pretty much everything. This user role can, in part:

  • Create, edit, and delete any content
  • Edit code
  • Delete other user accounts (except SuperAdmin) 

Editor – As the name of this user role suggests, an editor is generally responsible for managing content and thus has a high level of access. They can create, edit, delete, and publish both pages and posts – even those belonging to other users.

An editor can also:

  • Moderate comments
  • Manage categories and links

Author – What authors can do is create, edit, delete, and publish their own posts (and upload media files). This makes their role pretty clear – authors are responsible for creating content, and nothing more.

Contributor – The contributor role is essentially a stripped-down version of the author role. A contributor is only able to perform three tasks – reading all posts, as well as deleting and editing their own posts. This role is quite limited since it doesn’t enable users to publish posts or upload media files. However, it’s ideal for one-time and new content creators.

Subscriber – Subscribers have only one main capability and their WordPress dashboard is usually incredibly bare. They can read all posts on the site (as well as manage their own profiles). Normally, anyone can read posts without being assigned a role, so not all sites will use this option. However, it comes in handy for subscription-based websites, where you want to enable access to content only for certain people.

SuperAdmin – This is us! The super admin is responsible for the entire network and can make high-level changes such as adding and deleting sites. They can also manage the network’s users, themes, plugins, and more.

Get unlimited website users signed up and collaborating

Easily Add new users to collaborate on your church website. Your church website is a body effort where you can have people of different gifts working together. Assign users to different roles to help you run an effective church website. Click the button below to get started!

Edit your profile

You are the main administrator for your website. You can change your profile settings to suit your needs.

  • Pick a color scheme for the back end that you like
  • Add your first and last name and change your nickname.
  • Change your email address and optionally add profile URLs for such websites as Facebook and Youtube
  • Add a bio
  • Add a picture or avatar
  • Change your password
  • Add a billing and shipping address


Unlimited Website Users

Manage current users

Access a list of your church website users. You will see the name, username, email, role and amount of posts attributed to each user. By hovering over each username you have options to edit, remove or view each user. As admin you can edit each users profile information. If you need to make changes to or remove more than one user in the same way you can use the checkboxes and bulk remove or change roles.

Add a new User

Add New UserIt’s easy to add a new user. At the top of your list of users is a button that says ‘Add New’. On this page you will enter their username and email. Then you will set them a role (such as: editor). You can optionally skip the confirmation email that has them confirm before being added to the user list. 

Control access as you see fit

You can sign-up an unlimited number of users and assign them different roles. For example, you may want someone to write the blog, but not have the ability to make changes to website settings. You can add them as a user and then assign them as an ‘author’. Anyone you make ‘admin’ will have full access. They can edit and delete users, change your subscription and even delete the website.

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